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The Problem

The percentage the average Christian donates has remained unchanged for 50 years.  It sits around 3%, whether the economy is good or bad. 

5% of church attendees account for 60% of the giving, 50% account for 1% of the giving, and 20% give nothing.

In the ’50s, 49% of Americans attended church weekly.  In the early 2000s, that number was 42%.  Now it is 29% - and churches face 10-15% churn.


These are the facts of church finance- and they make it hard to fund new ministries.  Pastors speak on giving, use new engagement tools and make programmatic changes. Giving remains the same.  Which leaves only two solutions- grow the congregation and/or foster transformational giving.


Kids Ministry

Kids Ministry

Support Group

Support Group

International Aid

International Aid

Medical Clinic

Medical Clinic

Senior Visitation

Senior Visitation

Community Building

Community Building

Soup Kitchen

Soup Kitchen

Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

Daycare Center

Daycare Center

Youth Trip

Youth Trip

Hospital VIsitation

Hospital VIsitation

Mission Trip

Mission Trip

Worship Group

Worship Group

Transformational gifting is a fundraising model that involves cultivating large donations that can significantly impact The Mission.  These legacy-sized gifts help to launch programs, build facilities and create endowment(s).  What could your church do with a transformational gift?

Mission Gifting can help. There are about 85 million families in the U.S.  5% operate a business doing more than $1 million in revenue.  5% of those already tithe to a church.  1 of 7 businesses sell each year.


Annually, that is 30,000 businesses owned by Christian tithers who - with some stewardship - could make a transformational sized gift to church ministry. 


We help churches address this opportunity and we do not charge for our services.

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